Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann

live recording session #163

Tuesday, 29.11.2011
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RYU Hankil

SOFIA JERNBERG ist Vokalistin und Komponistin. Geboren in Äthiopien hat es sie über Vietnam, wo sie aufgewachsen ist, nach Stockholm verschlagen. Von dort aus agiert sie nun als „the brightest shining voice artist“ (wie sie in der schwedischen Presse einmal genannt wurde). Sei es mit der Formation „Gush“ (Mats Gustafsson, Raymond Strid and Sten Sandell), oder zusammen mit Cecilia Persson („paavo“), begeistert sie mit ihrer Stimme als frei gespieltes Instrument.


CHRISTOF KURZMANN ist einer der Pioniere in Österreich, die den Computer als Musikinstrument nutzen.

Viele verschiedene Bandprojekte und internationale Kooperationen in den letzten Jahrzehnten, z.B. mit Werner Dafeldecker, Ursula Rucker, Clayton Thomas……
Aber auch der Name Kurzmann allein könnte reichen: musikalisch offen und versiert, politisch konsequent.



Mr. Ryu and Mr. Vrba had incidentally found out during Ryu Hankil’s tour in the Czech Republic, that they share surname: in Japanese characters, both would be written 柳 – YANAGI, which means willow. And so they continued exploring affinities in a friend’s home studio, which resulted in founding YANAGI duo. Their common interest in musical structures hidden in various and variously vibrating objects enables a very natural communication through rolling typewriter or toothpicks bouncing along a plastic plate.

one piece to check



Ryu Hankil comes from Seoul, South Korea. Graduated painter from Kyung-won University, he played keyboard in two indie pop bands but soon got bored by conventional music and sound creation. Hankil then released two albums as Daytripper, which was his solo electro pop project. He belongs to the first generation of Korean electronics. The experience with electronic music animates him to look for various new ways of creating sounds and different musical structures, emanating from found objects such as clocks, typewriters, telephones and variety of vibrations. Since 2005 Hankil organizes regular monthly events called RELAY, he runs his own publishing Manual, specialised on impovised music and magazines. He is a member of a new Otomo Yoshihide’s project called FEN (Far East Network) and has played with Jason Kahn, Hong Chulki, Joe Foster, Takahiro Kawaguchi, Choi Joonyong, Jin Sangtae, Taku Unami, Mattin, Steve Noble, Shabaka Hutchings, Ivan Palacký and many others.

café oto, ryu hankil:



DJ at Radio 1 in Prague since 1994, temporary student of gamelan music at Institute of Art of Indonesia in Yogyakarta, since 2005 both passive (music journalist, promoter) and active (trumpets, clarinet, egg cutters, broom etc.) explorer of non-idiomatic improvisation. His first experiences with bands unwind from the cooperation with Eduardo Borsuci In Optima Forma, which resulted in Zvuková brigáda (Sound brigade). In 2009, Chaos und Logos came into the world, which is a trio. A year later, he became one of the founding members of improvisation ensemble IQ+1 which released this year CD “tváří v tvář”. Petr has played with Martin Alacam, Georgij Bagdasarov, Michal Brunclík, Xavier Charles, George Cremaschi, Jana Kneschke, Carmen Lefrançois, Hugh Livingstone, Seijiro Murayama, Ivan Palacký, Miroslav Posejpal, Peter Stehlík (aka Transport Puzzle), Jaroslav Šťastný (aka Peter Graham), Alex Švamberk, Christopher Williams, Michal Zbořil and others.

café v lese, petr vrba/miroslav posejpal:

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