Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann

public recording session duo zabelka – hein @ amannstudios

Saturday, 19.03.16
[timed offdate=”20160320″]


Duo Zabelka – Hein
Mia Zabelka – violin, voice
Nicola Hein – guitar

Soundtrip: Nicola Hein (g)MIA ZABELKA_by_Petra_Cvelbar027

Mia Zabelka – Nicola Hein


Mia Zabelka (AT) – Violin, Voice

Nicola Hein (D) – Guitar

This duo from Vienna and Cologne plays free improvised music. The music is created in the moment, without previously agreed concepts or compositions. Beside the pleasure in free improvisation itself, a further strong basis the musicians share is the process of extending traditional instrumental techniques (both with and without preparation and tools), with which the group creates dense but dynamic sonic landscapes with significant room for silence. The heterogeneous instrumentation – string instruments, whether plucked or bowed – provides an enormous acoustic field of potential; nonetheless, it is not always clear which instrument is the source of the sound heard at a given moment.

Mia Zabelka

Mia Zabelka, violinist and vocalist from Vienna, with czech, jewish and french familiar background, lives in the Austrian region of southern Styria. As an experimental musician and improviser she has developed a unique language based on the de- and reconstruction of the violin’s sonic possibilities, expanding the instrument using live electronic devices and innovative performance techniques. She studied music and composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts and the Conservatory of Music in Vienna, creating a foundation on the basis of which she continues to construct and explore the limits of sound and music in a language entirely her own. The violin, voice and her own body transform into sound bodies which are at once organic and primal, screaming, lyrical, composed and explosive.

Nicola Hein

The guitarist, soundartist, philosopher and composer Nicola Hein is one of the busiest players on the German scene of improvised music. He plays the guitar with his hands and plectrum but also with a lot of different objects: screws, rulers, iron wool, violin bow, abrasive paper, magnets and many other objects which are part of his musical vocabulary. The result is his very own world of sounds, which is using the rich potential of the guitar as a creator of sounds. The manual creation is a very important character of this sound world, which never gets distorted by the use of electronic effects.


Music – references by category

Online mastering – references by category

  • CD/Vinyl mastering
  • Downloadable audio formats
  • DDP creation/editing
  • Online delivery/ MD5 verification

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