Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann

Live recording series – 2001 – 2013

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The live recording series at Amann Studios


The studio environment as concert location has proofed beneficial for many live recording sessions – more than 190 – starting from 2001 and many recordings have been released by the artists, some as compact discs and others as downloadable or on streaming platforms.


The idea was born around 2001 in the middle of recording improvised music where I felt that being actually there listening, when some great musical moments came spontaneously was a privilege that could be shared with others and maybe could even add something to the creational process. Burkard Stangl supported this thoughts and we tried out this setting, not having in mind that it would be prolonged for many years.


There was also another initiative by Costa Caspary who started his Wohnzimmer-concerts, where he invited solo musicians to play for a small audience in his living room.

We decided to join forces and had some really great evenings with musicians invited by Costa and a grand opening hosted by Susi Ondrusova.


The actual live recordings series started on Feb 28th, 2002 with Annette Krebs from Berlin, Martina Cizek and Burked Stangl from Vienna, and a video work from Billy Roisz and Carina Wölfler was shown.


Then followed a series of more than 190 evenings with a total of over 350 performances, that was sponsored by the austrian SKE-Fund. The performing musicians received a multitrack studio recording at their own disposal and many of those recordings were produced and made available to a greater audience later.


The archive of the live recordings series is partially searchable on the Amann Studios website and the data will be completed soon.

see also:  Live Recording Sessions (2001 – 2013)

Music – references by category

Online mastering – references by category

  • CD/Vinyl mastering
  • Downloadable audio formats
  • DDP creation/editing
  • Online delivery/ MD5 verification

Selected productions

  • LUCIA RONCHETTI – Drammaturgie

    Kairos – 0013232KAI -2012 – Kairos Musik Catalogue No.: EAN Code: 9120010281860 Artist(s): Arditti Quartet, Susanne Leitz-Lorey, Andreas Fischer, Hannah Weirich, Erik Borgir, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart Composer(s): Lucia Ronchetti Recording Date: Jan. 2008 Recording Venue: Studio Siemens-Villa, Berlin-Lankwitz Release: June 2012 Final CD-Master: Christoph Amann

  • Friedrich Cerha – Schlagzeugkonzert . Impulse

    KAIROS 0013242 – 2012 –