Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann


Harald Friedl – Vom Orchesterleben. Das Tonkünstler Orchester Niederösterreich

TV Documentary by Harald Friedl, 60 min, A 2008

Production: Bernhard Pötscher
Director of Photography: Bernhard Pötscher
Additional Camera: Astrid Heubrandner, Peter Röhrlser
Sound: Ina Nikolow, David Benedikt 
Production Management: Monika Maruschko
Editor: Petra Zöpnek
Director: Harald Friedl
Sound Mix: Christoph Amann 

With Johann Decker, Alexander Gheorghiu, Erik Hainzl, Kristjan Järvi, Orfeo Mandozzi, Chih-Yu Ou, Michael Pircher, Leopold Schmetterer, WalterSchober, Emil Zitarevic and all the musicians of the Tonkünstler Orchestra of Lower Austria.


Selected productions

  • Wild Chamber Trio – 10.000 Leaves

    MW 880-2 – 2010 –  

  • Otto Lechner / Klaus Trabitsch – Still

    H1578 / © 1997 Vinyl Edition 2019 HOANZL   Otto Lechner (Accordeon), Klaus Trabitsch(Guitars, Dobro, Steeldrum), Herbert Reisinger(Drums), Christoph Petschina(Bass), Peter Rosmanith(Percussions), Georg Graf(Saxes), Dhafer Youssef(Oud/Vocals), Anton Burger (Violin), Hans Tschiritsch (Glass Harmonica) Recording/Mix: Alex Rathner Mastering: Amann Studios